Glossary and Supporting Documents and Evidences
AUN-QA 1 : Expected Learning Outcomes
AUN-QA 1.1-1 The Bachelor of Nursing Science programme (Revised programme in 2022) page 20
AUN-QA 1.1-2 The survey on the open house day
AUN-QA 1.1-3 The survey on the University curriculum exhibition day
AUN-QA 1.2-1 Bachelor of Nursing Science programme (Revised Curriculum 2022), Page 105-183.
(Course description and course learning outcomes).
AUN-QA 1.4-1 Report on the Analysis of Stakeholder Needs and Expectations for the Bachelor of Nursing Science programme
(Revised programme in 2022), Pages 14-15, and 25, 2024
AUN-QA 1.5-1 Example of the analysis of the alignment of PLOs (Programme Learning Outcomes) and CLOs
(Course Learning Outcomes) in the CS3 (Thai Qualifications Framework Level 3).
AUN-QA 1.5-2 Programme Learning Outcomes alignment
AUN-QA 2 : Programme Structure and Content
AUN-QA 3 : Teaching and Learning Approach
AUN-QA 3.1-1 The website of the Institute of Nursing
AUN-QA 3.1-2 CS3 NUR01 1002 Digital in Nursing
AUN-QA 3.1-3 CS3 711409 Nursing Management Practicum
AUN-QA 3.1-4 CS3 715404 Nursing Research and Innovation NUR01 2008 Nursing Research and Innovation 1
AUN-QA 3.1-5 CS4 716407 Community health nursing practicum
AUN-QA 3.1-6 The website of the Institute of Nursing
AUN-QA 3.1-7 The website of the Institute of Nursing
AUN-QA 3.1-8 Online curriculum public relation
AUN-QA 3.2-1 CS3 NUR01 2008 Nursing Research and Innovation 1CS3 NUR01 2008 Nursing Research and Innovation 1
AUN-QA 3.2-2 716411 Nursing Professional Externship716411 Nursing Professional Externship
AUN-QA 3.3-1 Alignment of PLOs, CLOs and active learningAlignment of PLOs, CLOs and active learning
AUN-QA 3.4-1 Case Study Report of subject 716407 Community Health Nursing Practicum
AUN-QA 3.5-1 CS3 716411 Nursing Professional Externship
AUN-QA 3.6-1 Example of CR5, CR6 Example of CR5, CR6
AUN-QA 3.6-2 CR5 NUR05 3002 Pediatric and Adolescent Nursing CR5 NUR05 3002 Pediatric and Adolescent Nursing
AUN-QA 3.6-3 Course Verification Report academic year 2023
AUN-QA 4 : Student Assessment
AUN-QA 4.1-1 Assessment methods and tools within the program, Bachelor of Nursing Science Programme (revised in 2022) page 72-76
AUN-QA 4.3-1 Category 5: Student Performance Evaluation Criteria’ within the program) Page 87, Bachelor of Nursing Science Programme
(Revised in 2022)
AUN-QA 4.3-2 Yearly learning outcomes (YLOs) Page 84, Bachelor of Nursing Science programme (Revised in 2022)
AUN-QA 4.3-3 Competency assessment and Exit examination, Programme Report No.7 Academic Year 2023 ,
AUN-QA 4.4-1 Rubric for skill lab performance, practicum, case study, or soft skills
AUN-QA 4.4-2 Marking schemes for short answer question test and essay test
AUN-QA 4.4-3 Example for test reviewing
AUN-QA 4.4-4 Exampl of an Exam Results Analysis
AUN-QA 4.5-2 Alignment of Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs), SubPLOs, Subject, and Course Learning Outcomes with
assessment metrics assessment metrics
AUN-QA 4.7-1 Evaluation form (Eva 01)
AUN-QA 4.7-2 CS4 712306 Adult and Geriatric Nursing Practicum II
AUN-QA 4.7-3 CS4 711409 Nursing Management Practicum
AUN-QA 4.7-4 CS4 716411 Nursing Professional Externship
AUN-QA 5 : Academic Staff
AUN-QA 6 : Student Support Services
AUN-QA 6.1-1 The report of the admission committee of IN on 2023
AUN-QA 6.2-1 The student support planning for teaching and learning
AUN-QA 6.2-2 The counselling service system of the IN
AUN-QA 6.3-1 The report of the Administration of Curriculum
AUN-QA 6.3-2 The report of the Administration of Risks
AUN-QA 6.3-3 The advisor system
AUN-QA 7: Facilities and Infrastructure
AUN-QA 7.1-1 The survey on satisfation with physical resources
AUN-QA 7.2-1 The survey on adequacy of laboratory materials and equipment.
AUN-QA 7.2-2 The survey of satisfaction with nursing skills laboratory services.
AUN-QA 7.2-3 Student evaluation of teaching and learning in clinical practice: Laboratory Organization Assessment
AUN-QA 7.3-1 The Database of Library Resources and Educational Media (CLREM)
AUN-QA 7.5-1 The website of the Center for Computer Service
AUN-QA 7.7-1 The survey on satisfaction with facilities and environment
AUN-QA 7.8-1 Competencies.of support staff
AUN-QA 7.8-2 The survey on satisfaction with support staff service.
AUN-QA 8 : Output and Outcomes
AUN-QA 8.2-1 Benchmarking data between the Institute of Nursing, Suranaree University of Technology and the School of Nursing,
Walailak University
AUN-QA 8.3-1 Research outputs of the Institute of Nursing, Suranaree University of Technology
AUN-QA 8.3-2 Database of student outputs and rewards
AUN-QA 8.4-1 Programme Report No. 7, academic year 2023